Overcoming Youtube Failure: 5 Simple Steps

Overcoming Youtube failure


Overcoming YouTube failure isn’t easy.

To fail at something or be a failure means something different for every individual. However, there is one thing that remains constant.

And that universal constant is that it simply sucks to feel like you failed.

However, failure doesn’t have to feel this way.

After reading today’s article , you can wipe the tears away (Hopefully not literally) and get back on track!

Golden Rule #1: Rome wasn’t built in a day

If you like your history or maybe applied your common sense, it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Rome wasn’t built in a day. It requires time to develop things to the scale that you want.

PewDiePie, the world’s most subscribed YouTuber, had a humbling start to his career and goes to highlight how slowly chipping away at your craft can create an empire over time. 

Other people may have been in the YouTube scene for a lot less longer than you and have achieved more ‘success’, which can be demotivating.

However, it’s important to remember that this is your own individual journey and you shouldn’t be comparing yourself to others.

Overcoming youtube failure isn’t easy, but if you give up, you’ll never know what could have been if you were to keep going.

overcoming youtube failure

Rule #2: Overcoming YouTube failure is a learning experience

So, let’s say you feel like you have given yourself the time to see how your craft develops, and still aren’t satisfied with the progress you have made.

The key thing to take away from this experience is to learn from it.  Ask yourself questions to understand why you truly achieved what you have.

Examples include:

  • Have I really tried my best?
  • Have I found resources and invested the time to learn how to further develop my content and visibility of my channel?
  • Have I really failed, or did I just have unrealistic expectations within the given time frame?

Taking a moment to sit down to think about these things will allow you to objectively assess the situation and take you one step closer in overcoming Youtube failure.

Golden Rule #3: Practice coping skills

If the first two rules still didn’t seem to make you feel any better, it might be time to try and develop your coping skills.

Doing this will not only help overcoming YouTube failure more effectively, however, will prove to be a valuable asset for all walks of life.

At the end of the day if you really can’t get your particular failure out of your mind, you need to be equipped with the skills to manage your mental health.

Golden Rule #4: Remember why you started

Think back to when you first embarked on your YouTube journey.

With all the excitement, ambitions and visions you had for yourself. Day by day, week by week, you slowly chipped away at developing your YouTube channel.

Things started out feeling amazing but slowly your excitement diminished as you felt you were becoming more of a failure rather than a success.

Overcoming youtube failure isn’t easy, but remember.

You came this far, why quit now?

Although you might not be at the point where you want to be, you are further than where you started all those days ago.

Remember why you started, don’t give up.

overcoming youtube failure

Golden Rule #5: Realise that failing is okay

Failure is a part of life.

From when we are kids right up until we grow old, we are constantly failing.

However, with failing comes learning. We learn from the experience, pick ourselves up and improve for the future.

Overcoming youtube failure may potentially affect how you feel about yourself in the present, but it is important to realise that failing is okay. We are all humans trying to make our own mark on the world.

If you’ve tried everything and still can’t get the notion of feeling like a failure, it might be time to take a break from YouTube. Life is too short to be slumped up in a negative state of mind.

If you remember and apply these steps, overcoming youtube failure will be a distant memory of the past.

If you enjoyed this article, make sure to check out Online Creator Institute, a website dedicated in helping you grow your YouTube Channel.

Until next time, goodbye!

overcoming youtube failure

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